Is this event for primary or post-primary teachers?
I have worked hard to balance the interests of Primary and Post-Primary teachers.
The Hive Mind and Workshops and will address ideas in both primary and post-primary.
Is this event for Students?
The event is focused on Teachers and not students. The premiere event in Ireland for Students is the Young Irish Philosopher Awards which you can learn about here: https://youngphilosopherawards.ucd.ie/
Is this event only for teachers in ireland?
GADFLYᴵ ᴱ is targeting Irish teachers and the context of Philosophy in Ireland. It is not an event on how to teach the A-Level spec for example.
However, even a cursory glance at the Program will show that this event would be hugely helpful and interesting to any teacher working in any primary or post-primary setting.
Is this event only for Qualified teachers?
GADFLYᴵ ᴱ is about Philosophy and Primary/Post-Primary children. You are welcome if you are...
> A fully qualified teacher running the Short Course across multiple post-primary classes...
> A principal of a primary school who is interested in using the P4C pedagogy...
> A librarian who runs a drop-in community philosophy session after school...
> A community leader who teaches philosophy in a youth club...
* The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a legal commitment by the event organiser.