Event Program*

08:00 > 08:55 Pre-Event Networking drop-in

I will open the ZOOM room from 8am so people can drop in and chat before the event starts. Grab a coffee - say hi to old friends or make new ones in this informal chat room.

08:55 > 09:00 welcome and introduction

Daniel Mccrea, founder of www.PhilosophyShortCourse.com, will kick off proceedings before making way for Stephen Law.

09:00 > 09:50 Keynote - Dr. Stephen Law "Philosophy and religion"

Stephen Law, author of no less than 3 books recommended on national Irish Curriculum for Philosophy, will open our event with a talk on the relationship between Religion, Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion. Given the amount of RE teachers who moonlight in Philosophy in Ireland - I can't wait to hear his take on this intriguing relationship.

His presentation will be followed by a short Q&A

09:50 > 10:20 Dr. Lucy elvis: Philsophy and ART

Philosophy and Art - Lucy will present look at their work with TULCA festival of visual art, through projects at the festival and the 'Create Dangerously' project which we just completed with three schools (early years, primary and secondary) in partnership with TULCA and three contemporary artists.

10:20 > 10:40 coffee break

10:40 > 11:20 Łukasz Krzywoń "Thinking With Hands"

Philosophy is an armchair sport - a serious business done preferably in a leather chair surrounded by dusty volumes from the great thinkers. Not so, says Łukasz Krzywoń - his session will be on "Thinking With Hands: Embodiment, Play and Creativity in Philosophical Inquiry”. Don’t expect to be sitting still.

Lukasz is an author, philosopher and an experienced facilitator in Philosophy with children.

11:20 > 12:00 Interactive session: course design

Working in small groups you will co-create a course for students in Philosophy

12:00 > 13:00 Lunch

13:00 > 13:30 Ciara mcmackin - notes from the front lines

Ciara Macmackin is the Deputy Principal and a Class tutor at Kishogue CC in Dublin. She is also the secretary of Educate Together's Ethical Education Network and regular contributor to The Philosopher's Hat. Ciara will be sharing her considerable experience embedding Philosophical practices and ideas in schools: What the challenges are, what has worked and what hasn't!

13:30 > 14:10 Dr. RObert grant: Philosophy as listening

Rob Grant made a big impression during his brief appearance at GADFLY1. We are delighted to bring him back for a proper slot. He will be talking about Philosophical Listening: Listening as a Form of Thinking.

14:10 > 14:30 Coffee break

14:30 > 15:30 featured speaker: peter worley

A real privilege to invite Peter Worley to our stage. He will introduce some key strategies of the pedagogy which has been his life's works. He will then facilitate a live inquiry with members of the audience and highlight how effective these strategies can be.

15:30 > 15:45 closing remarks

We will bring the session to a close in GADFLY fashion. Expect prizes, launches and a preview of the next GADFLY event.

15:45 > after-Event Networking drop-in

I will leave the Zoom open for anyone who wants to continue the conversation after an invigorating day of ideas.

* All times are Irish Standard Time (IST). We live in uncertain times, the information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a legal commitment by the event organiser.