Dr. Gillen Motherway

speaker biography: Dr. Gillen Motherway

Dr. Gillen Motherway is an independent scholar of critical and philosophical educational theory from Dublin, Ireland. Gillen studied undergraduate philosophy at the Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy before completing postgraduate studies in Philosophy at University College Dublin in 2004. After living and working as an Assistant Language Teacher in Ehime Prefecture, Japan for several years, Gillen became interested in the educational and philosophical possibilities afforded through philosophy in schools and as a part of general education.

In 2014, Gillen began full time doctoral studies at Plymouth University after being awarded a three year funded scholarship by Hibernia College Dublin. His research examined Irish Educate Together teachers’ perspectives of Philosophy for/with Children (P4C) practice and the resulting emergent understanding of democracy as ‘becoming’, where educational outlooks shift towards a view of democracy that is centred with, around and through children, with an emphasis on child-centredness, social movements, dialogue and philosophical enquiry with children.

He was awarded a PhD in Education from Plymouth University Institute of Education in November 2020. Gillen is an experienced P4C practitioner with particular knowledge of primary school and early years settings, and has an interest in philosophical practice, existential therapy and counselling. Gillen is a founding member of Philosophy Ireland and currently works in mental health administration.

Gillen’s academic interests lie in the areas of childhood, critical pedagogy, democratic education, critical and philosophical education, P4C, philosophical and dialogical enquiry with children and philosophical practice and therapy.

Follow Gillen on Twitter: @GillenM_

Read His Research: https://plymouth.academia.edu/GillenM

Contact Gillen directly here: gillenm@outlook.ie