What Is A Short Course?


The 'Short Course' scheme allows Irish Secondary Schools to offer a broader range of courses than typically found on the Core Curriculum.

The Short Course accounts for 100 hours of learning in total. Although schools have some flexibility in when they are delivered, its often presented as 1 hour per week during the Junior Cycle (1st, 2nd and 3rd year). Some schools may opt for a more intensive 3 hours per week during Transition Year (4th).

Assessment of Short Courses is not done using a terminal exam (Junior/Leaving Certificate), but rather through continuous assessment by the teacher of individual and group projects or portfolio completion.

Short Courses in Philosophy are often, but not always, delivered by existing members of staff with a background or interest in the subject.

The profile of these teachers is that they often deliver a core subject in History, RE, English Literature or History.

The Short Course in Philosophy was one of the first Curricula developed for the Short Course program. It has proven to be popular and is well supported by In-Training days delivered by Marelle Rice (@ThinkersMidwife).

The full library of NCCA Materials for Philosophy is available on this website here

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